Location: Station 52
Attendees: Commissioners Neil Anderson, Bill Petersen, Aaron Wilson and Fire Chief Michael O’Connor
- Pledge of Allegiance Led by Commissioner Wilson
- Approval of the Agenda: Bill motioned and Aaron seconded.
- Public Comment: Anyone may address the Board at this time regarding any subject that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction (Government Code Section 54954.3). However please hold your comments on agenized items on agenda until it is brought up for discussion. Please understand that the Board may not take action on any item that is not listed on this agenda. To address the Board, raise your hand and when you have been called on please state your name and speak. (3 minutes per speaker shall be allowed).
- A. None
- Reports:
- Call Report: Chief O’Connor stated there were 32 calls for the month. He also explained that more mutual aid toward Dixon have been occurring. Dixon’s chief made changes to his response matrix several months ago and asked for Montezuma’s water tender response. Chief stated that he agreed to respond up to Meridian.
- Budget Report: Chief pointed out that on page 3 it shows MFPD is in the black. Our revenue is approx. $808,478.43, of which $666,185.68 has been spent. This leaves a balance of $142,292.75 until July 1st ; we should be in the black this fiscal year.
- Board Member Reports: None
- Fire Chief Reports: Attended the Green Valley Wildland Expo at Solano Junior College from 10 – 2pm. It went well overall. I was there with Suisun District, Suisun City and Vacaville District. I learned we are able to borrow the burn pan and related equipment from OES. Possibly we will use that in the future. / 561 came back from the shop with a new turbo in it. After about 300 a high pitched squeal began. It was retuned to Rio Vista Ford to have them place a new part. It should be returned on Monday. / Chief’s vehicle is in the shop due to a freewheeling tire that rolled into it. Chief described the accident and damage. Approximately damage cost is $7,000 which Chief has turned over to FAIR insurance. There are four applications that have been turned in for the seasonal FF position. No applicants are from in-house. / Chief briefly discussed a possible internship-type program.
- Approval of Minutes: March 2023 meeting
- Approval of Vendor Claims: Neil motioned to approve, Aaron seconded. Claims were approved.
- Old Business:
- Rosenbauer’s price for a new Water Tender apparatus came in higher than what was originally expected. Due to that, Chief O’Connor suggested that the purchase of it be suspended. Discussion ensued about alternative options to purchasing a new tender. Consensus was to delay this purchase and revisit in 2025, and explore buying a new one. Chief called for a motion to this. Neil made the motion Bill seconded. Motion passed.
- New Business: None
- Budget 23/24 Discussion
- Adjournment: Neil motioned to adjourn. Aaron seconded. Meeting adjourned at 20:19 hours