Location: Station 51
Attendees: Commissioners Mike Reis, Neil Anderson, Bill Petersen, Chris Mingay and Fire Chief Michael O’Connor
Mike Reis called the meeting to order at 1905 hrs.
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- Approval of Agenda: Chris Mingay approved agenda. Neil Seconded. Motion was passed. Chief O’Connor stated that the minutes had been corrected and are up to date.
- Public Comment: Anyone may address the Board at this time regarding any subject that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction (Government Code Section 54954.3). However please hold your comments on agenized items on agenda until it is brought up for discussion. Please understand that the Board may not take action on any item that is not listed on this agenda. To address the Board, raise your hand and when you have been called on please state your name and speak. (3 minutes per speaker shall be allowed).
- A. None
- Call Report: Chief O’Connor pointed out that the number of calls for service for the month of February was reduced to 18 from 26 the year prior, and gave a breakdown of the types of calls.
- Budget Report:
Chief O’Connor stated that the budget is starting to go into the negative. He also explained that the county will make another tax revenue deposit in April. The budget forecast was to be 68% spent currently the budget is 63% spent.
Turnouts will be coming out of the Reserve Fund account, and will likely cost less $100K depending on the quote that is in process. Expected to be received between May and July.
Radios will be about $27K.
Chief explained that he spoke with the Tax Assessor’s office and they are a year in arrears with posting property sales. The sale of SMUD property to Flannery has not been recorded. - Board Member Reports: None
- Chief’s Reports:
He explained the difficulty in attempting to produce a projected budget for the upcoming fiscal year due to the rise in prices; forecasting costs with possible continuing rising prices is challenging.April 15 is the Wildland Fire Expo at Solano Junior College put on by Green Valley Fire Safe Council and there will be another one on May 6 put on by Solano County Fire Safe Council. Chief informed that there needs to be 100’ ft clearance around your structure in rural areas, or up to the nearest property line.
Chief O’Connor gave a walk-through of the upcoming new website. - Approval of Minutes: Chris motioned and Neil seconded. Minutes approved.
- Approval of Vendor Claims: Neil motioned and Chris seconded. Vendor claims approved.
- Old Business:
- A. Water Tender: Captain Cain received three quotes from Hi-Tech, Rosenbauer, PV/Goldenstate. Golden State could not do the cab that was requested, regular cab came in at $466K, Rosenbauer quoted $502,936 and includes all requests from MFPD. This would include the same pump as E52. Hi-Tech came in at $506K. This would include the cab and a half. Captain Cain went on to explain/discuss details of each brand and what is offered. Commissioner Anderson motioned for approval to sign a contract with Rosenbauer to be on the list for purchase. Commissioner Mingay seconded. Motion was passed.
- B. Summer Help: Chief stated that the position has been posted and there are applications in the front office and in a slot on the wall holder near the Chief’s office door. April 15th is the deadline date on that. If no one in the department applies by that time, the posting will go outside of the department for 2 weeks and will inform academies.
- New Business:
- Question from Reis about the money moving from Reserve Fund: Chief explained that the vendor needs to be paid right away and that the bill has been submitted to FEMA for reimbursement (minus 10%), but it is unknown when FEMA’s money will arrive. Anderson made a motion to move $28K to Fixed Asset account, Chris seconded. Motion passed.
- Adjournment: