Montezuma Fire Protection District covers approximately 300 square miles of mostly farmland and pastures in California’s Solano County. Montezuma runs out of two stations, 51 and 52, with the majority of personnel being volunteers.
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Volunteer Form
Not all heroes wear capes! About two-thirds of U.S. fire departments are all volunteer. The volunteer emergency service is an extremely valuable national resource, protecting neighbors and saving taxpayers money. If you have the commitment and motivation to make your community a better place, consider volunteering with Montezuma Fire Protection District of Solano County.
Apply HereBurn Permit
During certain times of the year, burning of dead vegetation is allowed for residential landscape debris. However, homeowners should always check with their local fire station, as well as the local air quality management agency, before burning.
Download Permit

Chief's Letter
Several of this department's personnel have been volunteering here for a long time and have given much of their life to serve the people of this community. Even as the department underwent a partition several years ago, Montezuma’s personnel continued to give of their time and talents while adapting to the current fire protection district. This is where I joined them.
I was hired on-board mid 2019 and quickly came to learn that both the Volunteers and paid personnel of MFPD are a dedicated group of Fire Fighters. For most, this service has been a passion that they have cultivated over the years, providing an excellent example for those who haven’t been here as long. I stepped into a department that continues to hold the enthusiasm that has traditionally been found in the fire service. Personally, I have carried that passion throughout my 40 year career and enjoy sharing it in the capacity of leading Montezuma Fire’s team.
It has also been a pleasure to bring on board new members from our community who have joined us recently. The generosity of individuals who choose to give of themselves for others within the fire service is never taken for granted by me; my own beginnings as a volunteer Fire Fighter served as a springboard into my career in the fire service. I again served as a Volunteer for a few years during my fire career. MFPD welcomes those who are able to serve the community in this capacity.
Moving forward, this department will continue the long-standing service of responding to all types of emergencies that occur within our 300 square miles of coverage area. We will continue to utilize our skills and training to provide each individual in need with fire extinguishment, auto accident response, hazard mitigation, medical care and human kindness. Lastly, we will continue to share our services with surrounding communities in the form of automatic aid and mutual aid agreements, to include California strike-team response for state-responsibility incidents.
In your service,
Michael O’Connor
Michael O’Connor
Fire Chief